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Why I Run (via the San Miguel Rich List)

Earlier this year, on a crisp Colorado spring day, I was sitting at a Starbucks in Boulder trying to get a bit of photo work done before hitting the trails in the afternoon... when I saw an email from the UK pop up in my inbox, asking if I had heard about the Rich List and how I'd like to be part of it in 2017.  

Um, wait, the Rich List? What Rich List? And why me, when I'm a Starbucks-is-a-lavish-expense dirtbag now?? 

Well, long story short... I did my research, I said yes, and half a year later the project has come to fruition.  I am excited to share the resulting 360 VR film that I got to work on with San Miguel in Zermatt this past September.  Watch in high-res with sound on and make sure to look around!

I think the VR City crew did a great job capturing why I do what I do these days, and why I made the decision to leave my old life as a strategy consultant some 20 months ago.  

Also check out my official Rich List profile (all photography by the one and only Tyler Roemer) and, more importantly, the collection of incredibly individuals and the stories of everyone else on the San Miguel 2017 Rich List. I'm honored to be part of this beautiful campaign.